Friday, September 2, 2011

Do you think the title is too subtle?

 It is like this: I am an artist, I am good at what I do and many people enjoy viewing my artwork. No one really ever buys it, sadly. There must be an end to this. So, here I am, making the point: if you like it, buy it.

Viewing my artwork provides something for you. Maybe it helps you think, maybe it makes you feel happy. Whatever it is, you view it on purpose, sometimes it even gets downloaded, printed out and hung on people's walls or used on their desktop for months on end. This is called thievery!

If you want to enjoy my artwork, pay for it! It costs time, energy, and, money to create. Yes, even digital artwork, as the programs (the decent versions) cost money, the attachments (mouse, drawing pad) cost money, and, the time is significant in most cases. If you were paying me by the hour for a painting, never mind for the enjoyment you could be receiving for years to come and the privilege of owning something unique that was created by another human being, you'd be paying, usually, between $50 - $2,000.00. Yet, you take it for free!

Have some consideration for the person who creates the art, who is disabled, who cannot even pay their own electric bill with the jobs they have otherwise, and, actually pay for what you are taking and using.

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea, now follow up on getting your site on all the search engines you can ! I would start with Google !!
