Sunday, September 25, 2011

Let barking kitties eat toast

Let barking kitties eat toast

God is good, God is great
And when I sit here
simmering in hate
For things that seem
to be all about my fate
I must remember that
it’s about what you eat
Instead of what you ate
Take me, drink me, bite off the edges
Grow tall and strong, Alice, in palace
Pop it, don’t stop it, cry a new river
When you are a bride, Alice, no malice
All sins are mortal
they die with sinners
All are dire losers
Who’re not the winners
Fate cannot be cheated
Nor can you pin her
Nor will you get in her
The fat lady has sung
They aren’t the same at all
Do they look the same to you?
Then why do you think so
Of the paths you walk in life?
God is great, God is good
If you cannot see it, dear
Then all I can say is that
you might adjust your set
  • lightsmithalmost 2 years ago
    There are many paths to God,
    All are different,
    yet the same.
    So we squabble and form sides,
    and make armies and de-cry each view and theory,
    yet all are equally dead,
    when they die.
    And the same light shines upon us all,
    and the shadow is still the shadow,
    and the wind is still the wind.
    What fools we are.
  • There are many paths to many gods .. there is one path to one God. “I am the way” said someone or other rather important. “I am one of the ways among many, so you might want to try following me.” he did not say.
    Good thing, too, as who’d want to put in all that effort if all they had to do was whatever pleased them best, regardless of what it did to others? “Hmm… ,” said someone rather unpleasant “.. that is very true. Who would want to put in that effort if … now, if only I could get the fools to believe all these divergent paths lead to the same great city.”
    There are many different walks of life that can lead to God, true; but that’s a different subject.
    You know why there is only one path? Because God only has the one set of beliefs as to what is right or wrong, what is good or bad, what is healthy or unhealthy, for us all. We have the different idea, the misunderstandings. He knows exactly what he wants. And, the only path is to yield to his understanding.
     – Arletta
  • lightsmith
    lightsmithalmost 2 years ago
    I tend to agree with you, excepting that sometimes I think people can be treading the same path but not realize it – maybe we notice different things or travel at different times….. essentially there IS but one path though, even if some people wear such peculiar hiking gear ……
  • lol lol Now, I have never heard just that before. That was a lovely ending!
    Actually, in the Holy Scriptures, you know, some of Jesus’ disciples were trying to prevent a man from teaching, because he was not one of their group. And, Jesus told them not to, because, even though he was not traveling with them, he was still for them.
    So, no, you don’t have to be called a particular name, or be a particular anything, especially not to start with. You have to want to learn, and to do what is right, and you have to be called. And, when you are called, you have to respond to it.
    Some people are called and choose to ignore it. Some are not called, before they start down the path, and are only called afterward, because they have taught themselves to be better people and all somewhere along the way; and some try and try but are never called because they continually fail in some way to make it stick. That’s all part of being individals and having free will, and etc.
    I want peculiar hiking gear .. I want black leather pants and some hiking boots with posies in embroidery decorating them, and a bright orange wool pullover, and argyle boot socks in a silk wool blend, and a walking staff. Is that too much to ask?
     – Arletta
  • grarbaleg
    grarbalegalmost 2 years ago
    Know Jesus
    walk with his Grace
    to make it to the place
    of Godly design
    where crimes are forgotten
    life is not rotten
    through Jesus eyes
    everyone goes to OUR
    Heavenly Father
    I sigh in releif
    what a beautiful peice
    you have conjoured
    in every line
    “let barking kitties eat toast”
    One congregatrion
    Both impossible
    I breathe
    very very good peice
    abundance to you dear lady
  • You’s so pretty, right in the brain!
     – Arletta

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